Mannanase Product Description
Mannanase is a group of biological enzymes extracted by deep fermentation and culture of selected excellent strains, followed by microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and vacuum freeze-drying technology. It is mainly used for sugar processing, feed addition, and extraction of mannan oligosaccharides.
Key Features:
- Hydrolyzes mannan-oligosaccharides containing β-1,4-mannoside bonds.
- Contains amylase, xylanase, cellulase, protease, pectinase, and other activities.
- Soluble in water, forming an opaque light yellow liquid.
Product Information:
Product Name: Mannanase
Main Components: Mannanase, zeatin powder
Product Specification: 10 000 U/g
Product Properties: Powder
Storage: Room temperature, dry, and protected from light
Shelf Life: 12 months
Feed Addition
Mannanase can be added to feed to promote the secretion of insulin-like growth factor IGF-I, enhance protein synthesis, and improve the lean meat rate. It can also improve the energy digestibility of cake meal, especially soybean meal.
Mannan Oligosaccharide Extraction
Mannan oligosaccharide promotes the proliferation of beneficial intestinal flora and enhances nutrient absorption. Mannanase breaks down mannan into mannan oligosaccharide, suitable for mass production.
Plant Extraction
Mannanase has various hydrolytic enzyme activities, aiding in plant hydrolysis. It decomposes starch sugar, fiber, protein, gum, etc., improving plant nutritional value and facilitating the leaching of effective substances.