Our vegetable processing enzymes help you create firmer vegetable products with higher yields. Whether processing tomatoes, onions, or carrots, our enzymes enable you to create tighter, more compact diced vegetables and greens, whether it’s They are used in soups, canned goods, or fast food to maintain their shape and appearance before processing. A more appetizing product and with a longer shelf life.
Thanks to the unique enzymes, the maceration process can be optimised and yields significantly increased, thus helping you to get more products from your vegetables. In addition, our enzymes increase the color intensity of vegetables – while always retaining their flavor and nutritional value.
Processing diced tomatoes with calcium chloride could improve firmness, but it increases costs and produces a metallic odour, and it is necessary to specify calcium chloride as an ingredient on the label. Our enzymes products can replace natural calcium chloride in tomato processed products, reducing the calcium salt content to 1/3. This makes a better taste, and is more healthier.